Social Action

The mission of Rodef Sholom’s Social Action Committee is to make Judaism’s commitment to the principles of Tikkun Olam an integral part of everyday life within the congregation. We connect with each other through social action. The committee organizes projects and events that educate the congregation and provide meaningful experiences through which we can repair our world on many levels.

September Social Action Happenings

️‍ ICYMI – EJ’s D’var Torah from 9/14 and More!

Since so many of you asked, here is a copy of EJ Tench’s thoughtful D’var Torah and the USCJ/Keshet resource guide: Yachad/Together: Welcoming Spaces for LGBTQ+ Jews. We are lucky to have such a knowledgeable professional from Keshet as a member of our congregation.

Operation Isaiah Starts on Monday, Oct. 7

As we come together for the High Holidays, let’s also unite in support of those in need. Join our Operation Isaiah food drive and begin collecting non-perishable items. Together, we can make a difference Visit for more information. #OperationIsaiah #HighHolidays #TikkunOlam

 Gift Card Donations Requested

Add “gift cards” to your shopping list! Join us in supporting Jewish Family Services by donating gift cards to places like WalmartKroger, and Food Lion. Gift cards allow people to buy fresh produce, milk, juice, etc.

Toiletries Requested

The Social Action Committee is collecting toiletries  (feminine hygiene products, shampoo, soaps, toothpaste, toothbrushes, combs, deodorants, etc) to donate to the homeless, those experiencing housing insecurity, and others in need. Both full-sized and single-use toiletries are welcome. Please drop them off outside the RST office. We will be donating our upcoming collection to Transitions Family Violence Services.

⚖️ Nonprofit Spotlight of the Week
The Haitian Bridge Alliance (HBA) also known as “The BRIDGE” is a 501(c)(3) grassroots nonprofit community organization that advocates for fair and humane immigration policies and provides migrants and immigrants with humanitarian, legal, and social services, with a particular focus on Black people, the Haitian community, women and girls, LGBTQIA+ individuals, and survivors of torture and other human rights abuses.

*We spotlight nonprofits suggested by members of the congregation or those we think may be of interest as they relate to social action. 

The mention of services or links to non-RST sites does not indicate an official endorsement or responsibility by RST for the opinions, ideas, data, or products presented at those locations, nor does it guarantee the validity of the information provided.