Tidbits of Torah

What’s Ahead? headshot white 2015cropped

Shabbat Parashat Lech L’cha

November 12, 2016 – 11 Cheshvan 5777

Dear Friends,

What’s ahead? Although the future is often uncertain, I think it is fair to say that, right now, many in our nation and around the world are experiencing a heightened sense of uncertainty in regard to the future. One thing is for sure as we move ahead. Our veterans deserve our thanks!

Recognizing and expressing gratitude to God and to others for the good in life is one of the most important spiritual messages of Jewish tradition and of Jewish life.

And so…I hope you will join us at services this Friday night as we celebrate Shabbat and honor our veterans!

I thank God that we, as a congregation, have the ability to express our thanks to our veterans.

And another thing…We read in our parsha that, after a period of “quarreling,” Abram said to Lot: “Let there be no strife between you and me, between my herdsmen and yours, for we are kinsmen.” (Genesis 13:8)

As we move ahead, let us remember that “we are all kinsmen.” Or, “kinspeople.” Let us acknowledge our disparate views and perspectives. Let us find ways in which we can live side by side, respectfully, in peace, and in appreciation and gratitude for life itself and for the freedoms and blessings which we share in our country.

Shabbat Shalom!

Rabbi Gilah Dror